/* Future Imperfect by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) */ (function($) { var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'), $menu = $('#menu'), $sidebar = $('#sidebar'), $main = $('#main'); // Breakpoints. breakpoints({ xlarge: [ '1281px', '1680px' ], large: [ '981px', '1280px' ], medium: [ '737px', '980px' ], small: [ '481px', '736px' ], xsmall: [ null, '480px' ] }); // Play initial animations on page load. $window.on('load', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $body.removeClass('is-preload'); }, 100); }); // Menu. $menu .appendTo($body) .panel({ delay: 500, hideOnClick: true, hideOnSwipe: true, resetScroll: true, resetForms: true, side: 'right', target: $body, visibleClass: 'is-menu-visible' }); // Search (header). var $search = $('#search'), $search_input = $search.find('input'); $body .on('click', '[href="#search"]', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Not visible? if (!$search.hasClass('visible')) { // Reset form. $search[0].reset(); // Show. $search.addClass('visible'); // Focus input. $search_input.focus(); } }); $search_input .on('keydown', function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 27) $search_input.blur(); }) .on('blur', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $search.removeClass('visible'); }, 100); }); // Intro. var $intro = $('#intro'); $intro.prependTo($main); })(jQuery);